Saturday, December 31, 2011

January 2012 - pics

January 2012

New Years Day - Happy Boys!

Some sun!!

Road Trip: Sleeping boys

 Fresh fish for dinner!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunday Swimming

We have started weekend sports already!! On Sunday mornings the boys go swimming. Jackson has been going since he was 7.5 months, and we just started Blake. The boys both love it, and bonus they both have good sleeps on Sunday afternoon :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jacksons holiday

We've been meaning to do it for a while, but finally it was time to for Jackson to have his first holiday away without Mummy and Daddy. We went up to Manny and Grubbys (Jacksons name for Barry and Veritys), on the Saturday morning, and Dave, Blake and myself came home on Sunday night, and Jackson stayed until Wednesday! I must say it was a quiet trip home on Sunday, Dave wore his sunglasses the whole way, and a few tears were shed (by Mummy and Daddy). Jackson had a ball - he helped prune the olives, picked and ate fresh strawberries, went to the beach, and played up and down the huge deck and in the Chapel. He had Manny crumble and icecream every night and was spoilt rotten. It was very quiet at home with just one child, I didn't know what to do with myself, but it was lovely to have him home. Here are some pictures of the boys from our weekend away.

Blakes first teeth

At 4.5 months old, after a bit of unsettledness, (which did include a rushed 4am trip to Starship :)), out popped two teeth! Can just see them in this picture