Sunday, October 16, 2011


Blake has started solids - just a small amount, and so far he is enjoying them! Part of the fun though is sitting up in the highchair. Here is a picture of Blake the first time he sat in the highchair, and also Jackson the first time he sat in the same chair, pretty much the same age. The only difference was, when Jackson had his very first meal of solids, he grabbed the spoon and wanted to feed himself!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The youngest Bean

On Friday mornings we go to Jumping Beans. Jackson has been going since he was 17 weeks old, and Rachel who runs the class reguarly tells everyone that he is the youngest baby they have ever had. A couple of weeks ago, when Blake was 16 weeks, he became the youngest Bean ever. Here are some pics, he is a star!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Playing ball

Jackson loves playing ball - every morning now we go outside after breakfast and hang out a load of washing (and we have a lot of washing!), Jackson helps of course, and takes all his many balls outside and we end up playing with the balls for a while too. Catching, kicking, and Jackson does a great drop kick! He has a new 2011 Rugby World Cup ball, which he calls Rugby World Cup, which sits on the end of his bed every night. Sometimes Blake joins us and sits in his chair and watches, and sometimes Jacksons Teddy sits on the steps and watches too. Jackson also takes his lawnmower and cuts the lawn, he is such a big help!